Saturday, June 7, 2008

' Prayer for a Friend ' ...

Lord, I lift my friend to You,
I've done all that I know to do, I lift my friend to You
Complicated circumstances have clouded her view
Lord, I lift my friend up to You
I fear that I won't have the words that she needs to hear
I pray for Your wisdom, oh God, and a heart that's sincere
Lord, I lift my friend up to You

Lord, I lift my friend to You
My best friend in the world, I know he means much more to You
I want so much to help him, but this is something he has to do
And Lord, I lift my friend up to You
'cause there's a way that seems so right to him
But You know where that leads
He's becoming a puppet of the world, too blind to see the strings
Lord, I lift my friend up to You
My friend up to You
Lord, I lift my friend to You,
I've done all that I know to do
I lift my friend to You.

Went to the library today to get some studying done, didn't get too much done really. I'm one of those people that need music or something going on to get me in the studying mood. I thought i'd play the above song today whilst attempting to do my music assignments. BAD IDEA! As soon as I heard the music playing, i was reminded of the many friends who struggle even now as i write, as i sat there in the computer lab of the library, my heart and prayers went out
to them all.

Through the past few weeks of prayer and fasting, alot of people have been impressed in my heart, some more than others, there are some days when i can sense the pain/loneliness/emptiness of those i pray for ... and it's left my heart both broken and made bigger. Last night at youth group, Glenn (Youth Pastor) spoke on the meaning of the gospels and gave a general overview of the names mentioned throughout the genealogies, the phrase that was most spot on,
was plainly, 'He knows your name...'

and as the message came to an end, Glenn asked the youth that needed prayer to rise and come to the front, where the leaders would come and pray for them ... His presence was heavy that night.

... as i held him in my arms, i sensed so much heaviness in the young boy's heart, so much burden for someone so young and so much lies put into his mind by the enemy.. i began to pray God's truth in his life tearing down any high places of lies and deceit built by the enemy, and right then and there he just started to sob .. loud weeping from a heart crying out just to be loved, to be genuinely, intimately, deeply and dearly loved .. his heart was crying out Jesus, and he was slowly realizing it ..

i guess it's true what Tommy Walker exhorted in the beginning of his song,

"we all just want to be known ... and there could be many in this room .. you could feel so alone, so unknown .. but God sent me here tonight to remind you, that He knows your name, and He'll never forget it ..."


My heart breaks for the young people here at Y.D, especially the ones who have such a great call of God upon their lives and lose sight of it because of the adversity they face in life ... or the ones who have just lost hope because of the hardships they have seen .. i see so much of me in the young boys that we serve here at our youth, and that's one of the main reasons that keep me there serving them, loving them and believing in them.. because God was able to see treasure in the broken, waste-filled parts of my life, and if He did it with me, He can do it with the ones who are struggling the most in Y.D .. i believe that.

there's a reason why i wrote this particular blog, with the particular title, song and lyrics ..

it's for the highschool 'Destiny Shaper's of Y.D ..the youth leaders, my partners, my colleagues, my friends... my family..

i've known, seen and heard of the things you have faced .. and i pray for you dear friend. i stand in the gap for your life, your ministry and your calling .. i don't know what else to say, but for some of you, i speak the plea of the apostle Paul,

'Brethren, I urge you therefore to live a life worthy of the calling you have recieved ..." - Ephesians 4:1

I pray for hope in your days, that the Son of righteousness will arise in your valley times with healing in His hands! .. I pray for you to know (yada) His love .. and i pray for strength in you to allow this love to envelop you.. Destiny Shapers,
i pray for an awakening in Jesus name, a sense of urgency to rise up in the wells of your heart as the battle for young
lives rages .. i pray the God of love, woo and tug at your heart pulling you back with His cords of loving kindness ..

I pray for a Jacob-encounter. An encounter that will leave your walk with Christ changed ... forever.

Lord, i lift my friends to You.