Monday, August 25, 2008

God, China & Will Pt.1

' there's a blind boy at the orphanage window,

dying to see what he hears,
there's a young man who's lived life with eyes closed,
I wonder what would happen when they meet ...

It's been two months since the last blog, I left for China June 27 2008, and I don't really know why I left it up to this long to start writing a blog about my experiences/encounters - I guess i'm the type of person that takes a while to 'unpack' in every aspect - emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually .. hmmm probably in that order as well.

I recall not knowing what to feel during the drive to the airport, somehow God always gives me a door into a different land every year to learn something I may never possibly learn here, and that particular door was China. I'm not really sure sometimes if the door is an opportunity for escape or for growth - maybe sometimes it's both. God's good that way.We got to the Airport - met by a full blown entourage, 12 strong. I love YD, I really do - it's amazing how even a small thing like a trip to the airport or a farewell can manifest itself into a moment so defining. I checked in my luggage and dragged Sarah to hang out with the gang.

'you've been blessed with such awesome friends ...' - Sarah

I concur.

Mixed emotions really, as my flight number started to blink on the little terminal monitor. We ate and then came the time to see me off. Besides my birthdays, it was a day i recieved so many hugs, I lost count. I thanked God for friends, the whole concept of it. We walked towards the customs gate, like those scenes from movies ya know? .. I hugged all of them goodbye, some with tears, and even letters to read. It's funny how you can tell how much someone cares for you, when they're farewelling you.. (even if was just for a month)... and i looked back as I walked away, and thought to myself, the best part of this trip is gonna be ...

coming home to them.

After going through customs, it finally hit me that I had a whole month of adventures and lessons ahead of me. I caught up with the rest of the Music Department, and we grabbed a few guys and prayed for the trip. See in my heart, I just wanted to see God move but to be more specific .... in me. After a few hours, the time came to board and the rest was really up to Him.

Somehow, I always get the window seat, i thought to myself as the food came. Funny, it's like God's way of hinting, 'Will, there's something I want to show you ...' hmm come to think of it, i like that. Every cloud that passed and every star that beckoned brought me closer to a better me. Funny, how i always get the window seat.

The trip to Singapore and then Singapore to Beijing was spent :

- playing on my PSP
- trying to read my bible
- telling everyone to connect their seat phone
- calling everyone that connected their seat phone
- even if they were sitting next to me
- annoying the people who sat next to me

- succeeded
- walking around the plane trying to find something to do
- eating and watching movies.
- thinking .. and then repeating the whole process til eventually we landed in Beijing.

You know what it smelt/looked and felt like? .. The Philippines! The only obvious difference was the sound of the chinese language. Besides that, there seems to be no big difference. Touching down in Beijing felt like touching down in Manila.
We checked into our hotel, and straight away met the team we would share a big part of our lives within the duration of 14 days. We then proceeded to tour Beijing, in all it's glory ...

My heart and mind weren't ready for the emotional trips, nor the change that would follow suit.

To be cont.


Footprints in the Sand said...

good to hear the beginning. :) Harmony

Rachel Soriano said...

i'm still waiting on part 2....