Sunday, June 28, 2009

Memoirs of a Vagabond. Pt 2

It's almost 1am in this dark small hotel room, and I hear tim's hair rustling through the sheets as my fingers tap softly away at this keyboard, the bright lcd monitor is making my eyes heavier and heavier but alas the blog must go on.

Upon sitting here having D&Ms with chewbacca (tim), i've concluded that relationships make a man's world go round. Which is 100% true when you think about it. When one comes to the end of their life and stands before God it's not a question of what you've done that will grant you access into eternity, but rather who you know. (Jesus)

Relationships are vital. Period.

I remember leaving the airport with a group of about 7 of my closest friends, and though maybe I was abit numb to it all - thanks to fatigue, the flu and the hayfever. I went through customs thanking God for the friendships I can still say I have.

Regardless of what has happened with my relationships in the past 6 months, I believe God redeems everything which the enemy stole. In relation to friendships, God is my friend.

That is not to say that He is the only friend He wants me to have, but rather He wants me to trust Him with my friendships acknowledging Him as the very source of all relationships.

Someone once told me that the relationships that we fight for now will matter to us in the end, after these 4 weeks are up, I plan to do alot of fighting.


So I boarded that plane for Seoul, and hoped for encounters with Him - the likes of which ive never seen.
I made a new friend straight away with my room mate Jared, a sign I took as God being the source of friendships.

Seoul consisted of:

-Market shopping
-Choir performance

It was very early on during this trip, that I realized that solitude will be essential in a group this big.
Sure it was fun taking the facebook photos, jumping photos, annoying the korean people, getting lost in the palace,
watching justin nearly get beaten by the samurai dude, and justin eating the worm but ...

I guess there were moments in seoul that I just had to take a walk away from the crowd just so I could think clearly or better yet to seek Him. I'll never forget what the special guest speaker back at home said,

"I spent two and a half hours everyday for two years trying to find God ... and do you know what?... I found Him..."

I have spent so much time whinging and complaining to God about this season that I'm in, and now that it's well somewhat finished I feel like I wasted a whole lot of it. I love that one line that the speaker said, "I found Him".

I don't ever want to stop 'looking' for Him.


I thought alot about relationships during the 3 days in Seoul, mostly about the ones that I've lost, I was somewhat distracted I guess by this. I guess it's because I'm so use to being in control of a relationship...

"Lord, help me to trust you with my friendships. It hurts not knowing what to expect at times, but all my hope is in You. I will cast all my expectations on You. You will redeem, renew, restore and rebuild that which was taken. I'm banking all of it on You, my forever Friend."

Seoul is continuing to teach me about solitude, and how my heart yearns to meet God there.

To conclude my most favorite part of Seoul is rushing out in the rain to buy Shrimp Burgers with Jared.

Relationships are vital.

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