Monday, June 29, 2009

Memoirs of a Vagabond. Pt 3

I sit here yet again in front of this borrowed laptop with the Heidelberg mountain air filling my small dark hotel room - I guess chewie had a long day since there seems to be no rustling whatsoever.

Today was an amazing day, but that post will come up soon. I have yet to continue what happened after Seoul.


The 12 hour flight to Paris consisted of playing the Ukele and annoying the poor korean soul next to me who wanted nothing but quiet rest, watching Yes man as well as Toy Story and eating as many sandwhiches and cupped ramen as we could. After every single passenger on the plane was annoyed by our antics we finally landed in Neopolitan town.

Now let me just say, i've been to many a hotel in my life but never one that was positioned smack bang in the red light district of the city hmm wait - im pretty sure we had another town like this in munich 2 years ago *shrugz*.

We were only a few minutes walk from the Moulin Rouge and almost every store next to the Hotel had the word 'Sex' in front of it. In this dark, hedonistic, sex crazed spot in Paris, we decided to check in. Ironic, that a Christian group of 40 would be placed in the centre of it all eh?

I grabbed my room mate Jared and was blown away at the view from our rooftop terraces, I mustve taken abit under 500 photos in one day just shooting around at the beauty of the City and it's architecture.

Paris was something sort of magical, we hit up:

- La madeleine Cathedral ( performed in it too )
- Notre Dame Cathedral ( chilled out with the gargoyles and danced with the gypsies )
- The Lourve Museum ( Mona lisa, Winged Victory, Venus De Milo )
- The Eiffel Tower ( Didn't get to climb it, wanted to leave it for someone special, yes yes corny i know )
- Arc De Triumphe ( Took as many jumping shots as we could )
- Markets, Shopping Centres, Metros, Look outs, etc

Most of the time spent in Paris was spent in exploration mode - like a little kid who just wants to see everything I just really went wild. The photos on facebook should prove it.

There were moments that really just took my breath away, *smile* I guess i'm somewhat reminded of that quote from Hitch. "Life is not about the amount of breaths we take, but about the moments that take our breath away", and Paris did it for me.

The simple beauty of the sunset over the Seine, or the architecture of the Notre Dame cathedrals, the Eiffel tower lighting up over the back drop of a pink sky, the Arc De Triumphe with it's golden walls at sunset... but what I loved the most
was getting up early just to witness the sunrise from our rooftop.

I remember getting my guitar out and running to the 9th floor just to be able to worship Him.

and as the sun appeared over the Paris skyline, I felt there was hope. As nature's light touched every sinful sidewalk and every violated street in the area we were staying, I was assured of His presence in my life.

so I grabbed the guitar and sung with all my heart on the rooftop of the Carlton Hotel - and to be able to stand there at that place and time with nothing but a song He put in your heart in the lowest season of your life was nothing short of amazing.

Joy Unspeakable

When I think about Your mercy
And all You've been to me
My heart can not contain the praise inside

So with humble adoration
I've come to worship thee
Who am I that the Great I AM would care for such as I?

For Your loving kindness has been there each season
I'll never fathom Your grace

Then sings my soul
My all in all
You've been my Joy
What else have I
to offer You

But all my heart
I'm seeking You

For there is hope in Christ alone
He won't fail
His will shall prevail


Lord, I am but a dark city waiting for your light to illuminate me. Your faithfulness stands and I am utterly overwhelmed.

I'll never fathom Your grace.

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