Monday, July 13, 2009

Somewhere out there ... Pt 1.


this will be a short post ..

Finally started my Contiki trip and am LOVING IT! have single handedly conquered London!! and went through all of York, Oxford, Windsor and trekked through Scotland..

Whilst the choir tour was more of a chase for knowing God more and being intimate with Him, I kind of feel that this Contiki tour is more of a God allowing you.. to know you.

Does that make sense? In the past few days I've been schooled in the studies of 'me'.
How I react to certain things, make decisions, my character etc.

and to be honest ... i'm finding it quite challenging.

It is INCREDIBLY hard to get some alone time on this contiki tour ... though I love the people here, I feel over the past 6 months i've developed into someone who desperately NEEDS solitude daily... and lately I havent been getting it.

I know its not impossible though... I think its just alot harder.

On a more positive note, I have met good people here. One guy named Paul who lives in Manhattan, NY is going to hook me up with a place to stay if i ever decide to go there.

I have made good friends with a group of 4:

Erica - 22 y.o mexican girl
Michelle - 35 y.o lady from Pennsylvania
Paul - 32 y.o dude from NY
Mike - 26 y.o dude from Idaho
Kareesa - 27 y.o lady from Chicago


Theyre pretty cool .. i'm one of the youngest in the group but everyones friends here. What I find interesting is that Kareesa actually recited the life of Saul for me whilst reading my tattoo:

"when you were small in your own eyes ..." 1 Sam 15:17

I cant help but feel that a time of reflection needs to be set to meditate upon that verse, especially after a total stranger recites the life of one from the bible who has impacted yours.


I thought alot today about coming home ...


and im optimistic.


He has been the strength of my heart.

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